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Women’s Self-Defense Classes

TTS is all about promoting awareness, strength, and self-defense skills for the women in our community. We offer effective, informative women’s self-defense classes to build the skills and confidence women need to protect themselves.

Our women’s self-defense classes teach our students how to defend themselves against common chokes, grabs, bear hugs, and other attacks often used by larger, stronger aggressors.
In order to prepare our students to survive a real attack, we emphasize realistic training scenarios and realistic defenses. Women leave our classes feeling safe, strong, empowered, and firm in the knowledge that they are not a victim.

Preparation and Real-World Experiences

Our women’s self-defense classes incorporate training methods to build a fighting spirit and to train women how to respond both mentally and physically in a time of need, eliminating the danger of “freezing” or “shutting down” in confrontations. In our self-defense classes for women, students receive hands-on training where they are attacked by instructors dressed in full protective padding. Our students train themselves to deliver full-contact counterattacks, just like they will in real life. We put emphasis on creating real-world scenarios in order to ensure maximum preparation in potentially dangerous situations.

Physical Benefits of TTS for Women

As with many types of physical training, TTS has a positive effect on overall fitness levels. As part of regular training, students can expect to build:

  • Strength

  • Endurance

  • Stamina

  • Power

  • Core strength and toning

  • Improved coordination and balance

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